2 boys, 14, arrested in cigarette shooting death

BEAVER FALLS, Pa. (AP) - December 19, 2012

U.S. Marshals say Marcus Velasquez and Todavia Cleckley were arrested Tuesday in a Beaver Falls home. Both teens have been charged in the Dec. 8 shooting death of 22-year-old Kayla Peterson.

Investigators say Velasquez and a third teen followed Peterson's boyfriend home and yelled profanities after he ignored their requests for a cigarette. Velasquez allegedly shot Peterson when she confronted the youths.

Velasquez is charged with homicide. Cleckley and 13-year-old Kyle Goosby Jr. face conspiracy charges.

Court records don't list attorneys for Velasquez and Cleckley. Goosby's attorney says he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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