State Representative Frank Farry helped organized the relief effort in just 48 hours.
"We've gotten over 100 volunteers here and there's more coming later in the day," Farry said.
Nearly every inch of the Walter Miller Elementary School gymnasium was covered with piles of clothing, non-perishables foods, and cleaning supplies on Monday afternoon.
"Within 72 hours of when the fire struck, we'll have clothes on their back, we'll have all their toiletries back in their hands, we'll have all their paperwork in motion to try and replace what they lost in terms of official documents, and gift cards in their pockets to help with the transitional period," Farry said.
"There is still hope and good in mankind no matter what else is going on," Sheree Nelson of Fairless Hills said.
"It's a great thing to do. I went through this four years ago and lost my house to a fire. I understand what they're going through," Amy Turchi of Langhorne said.
Turchi has experienced the community's goodwill firsthand and now she's paying it forward with dozens of local volunteers.
Even children took time out of their summer play to help organize toys for their classmates.
The fire victims were expect to arrive at the school Monday night to go shopping for essentials and to fill out important paperwork destroyed in the blaze.
"Anybody who lost a driver's license, social security card, veteran's papers we'll do all that paperwork for them," Farry said.