32-year-old Andre Fiorentino is in stable condition at Paoli Hospital. Following his release, police say Fiorentino will be arrested for the attempted homicide of two officers.
The incident happened at approximately 1:00 a.m. Saturday on the 700 block of Merchant Street.
Two Coatesville police officers were on patrol when they noticed Fiorentino looking into windows of parked cars in the area.
The officers approached Fiorentino and asked him for identification.
According to a police statement, Fiorentino said that he would not provide identification and started reaching into the front waist area of his pants, "raising the suspicion that he was reaching for a gun."
One of the officers pulled his Taser and instructed the suspect to stop what he was doing.
Fiorentino responded by pulling out a gun and firing two shots at the officers.
The officers were not hit and returned fire.
Fiorentino was struck multiple times and fell to the ground, dropping his gun.
As the officers approached the suspect, police say Fiorentino was still reaching for his gun and yelling at the officers.
The two officers moved the gun away from the suspect as emergency personnel responded to the scene and transported Fiorentino to the hospital.
Police recovered the weapon, which was reported stolen.
A second gun was found in Fiorentino's clothing inside the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
Fiorentino, who has previously been convicted of armed robbery in Coatesville, will be charged with attempted homicide, aggravated assault, persons not to possess firearms, and related criminal offenses.
The Chester County District Attorney's Office has ruled the shooting by Coatesville police justified.
"The Coatesville Police Department responded appropriately and professionally throughout this incident. Given the defendant's conduct, the defendant was lucky he was not killed and Chester County is lucky that two police officers are not dead. In Chester County, we will not permit our police officers to be targeted. It will be a long time before this defendant sees blue sky again," Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan said in a statement.