Students are hopeful at St. Joe's Spring Career fair

PHILADELPHIA - February 20, 2014

Employers representing various industries and organizations, financial services and non-profits were on the campus of St. Joseph's University Thursday.

"We've seen a lot of good candidates come by here. A lot of students seem to be well versed and familiar with our company and what it is that we do, and very prepared as far as what it is they are looking for career wise," said Renita Edwards.

"Of the employers who are here, 32% of them have been here for 5 plus years," said Trish Shafer, Executive Director of the Career Development Center.

"We're hiring for actuaries, analysts, leadership programs, all different sort of programs that we are trying to get students to apply for," said Jason McMurphy, GEICO.

"About 11% of them are brand new to the event," said Shafer.

"We've had a nice turn out come through," said Mike Keaton, Friends Central School. "There are quite a few interested in education."

There were also a lot of employers in retail, food, marketing and advertising.

"I am a food marketing major," said junior Abigail Skinner. "So I have been kind of gathering around and looking around at different companies, and I kind of narrowed it down. I picked five to go and visit today."

The career fair offers an important opportunity for graduating seniors, looking for full-time positions.

But more than half of the employers were looking for underclassmen, sophmores and juniors for internships.

Before Lauren DeLellis graduated from St. Joe's last May, she interned with Kellogg's. Now she is a Sales Planning Analyst with the company.

"I worked in retail and got my exposure in the field and worked hands on with some of the big brands. So it was an incredible experience. That turned into a full-time position in October of my senior year," said Lauren DeLellis, Kellogg's Sales Analyst.

If all goes well for the seniors, they will have jobs lined up by the time they graduate this spring, and others hired for internships this summer could receive full-time positions beginning in June 2015.

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