6abc Studios (WPVI) -- This Building It Better Together Town Hall will put a spotlight on the racial inequalities within our healthcare system.
Tamala Edwards moderates this conversation with a panel of local Doctors of color discussing how the COVID-19 crisis has put a spotlight on racial disparities, the issues of implicit bias in treatment, the socio-economic factors leading to sub-par care in underserved communities, and how to increase Diversity and Inclusion advancement in leadership.
Tamala also talks solutions and forward thinking initiatives with two local CEO's of the largest hospital systems in Southeastern Pennsylvania as they signed a pledge with 11 other hospitals stating 'racism is a health crisis'.
And Health Reporter Ali Gorman offers important tips for patients to make sure they are getting the best care from their providers.
CEO Panel:
Jack Lynch
Pres. & CEO, Main Line Health
Dr. Steve Klasko
Pres. & CEO, Jefferson Health
Doctors/Health Professionals Panel:
Shelly Buck
President, Riddle Hospital, Main Line Health
Kevin Ahmaad Jenkins, PhD
Center for Health Equity & Promotion, University of Penn
Michele Harper
ER Physician, Author - "The Beauty in Breaking"
Dr. Sanul Corrielus
Cardiologist, Corrieluscardiology.com
Watch previous COVID-19 Town Halls: