Crime Fighters: Who killed Kenneth Jones?

ByRick Williams and Heather Grubola WPVI logo
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Crime Fighters: Who killed Kenneth Jones?
Kenneth Jones had been shot 11 times and was pronounced dead at the hospital.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A grieving family is marking a somber anniversary this weekend. Authorities hope the public can help solve the murder of Kenneth Jones.

On Thursday, February 17, 2022, 34-year-old Kenneth Jones was sitting in a black Hyundai Elantra along the 6000 block of Kingsessing Avenue in Philadelphia's Kingsessing section.

It was just after 2 p.m. when police were called to the scene for a "person with a gun".

"Upon their arrival, there was a male who was unresponsive to them, who was obviously shot. He had multiple gunshot wounds," said Santo Montecalvo of the Citizens Crime Commission.

Jones had been shot 11 times and was pronounced dead a half hour later at the hospital.

Authorities say shell casings found at the scene lead them to believe there was more than one shooter.

"On the scene, there were shell casings, 16 to be the number, eight of them were .40 caliber and eight were nine-millimeters," he said. "It suggested there were two individuals. That's number one. Number two being shot that many times it sounded like it was a very personal act."

The City of Philadelphia is offering up to $20,000 in reward money for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible. All you have to do is call the Citizens Crime Commission at 215-546-TIPS. All calls will remain anonymous.

"By calling the tip line you get a seven-digit code number that code number is then documented that you called with the date and time of your call."

That code is what you would use to collect the reward money.

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