Push to allow parents in trauma room with children

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Push to allow parents in trauma room with children
Push to allow parents in trauma room with children: Ali Gorman reports during Action News at 5pm on November 8, 2017.

It's a scary situation if your child is rushed to the hospital to be treated for trauma. Most parents are not allowed in the room, but there's a push to change that.

A national survey by Orlando Health found that 90 percent of people feel parents should have the option. And separate research from children's hospitals in Philadephia, Dallas, and Washington, D.C., shows that having parents in the trauma room didn't interrupt a child's care.

But did help provide emotional support and valuable medical information. One Florida hospital has their social workers go-between.

"They're finding out what allergies they have, what chronic medications, chronic illnesses that really helps us guide our care, which we never had before," said Dr. Donald Plumley.

Still, as it stands now, very few hospitals allow parents in their trauma rooms.


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