Recent Drexel graduate's photo makes cover of TIME magazine

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Recent Drexel grad's photo makes cover of TIME magazine
Recent Drexel grad's photo makes the cover of TIME magazine.

FORT WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- It was Hannah Beier's dream to photograph a cover for TIME magazine.

The 2020 Drexel University graduate's photos were featured on the cover and on the pages of the magazine's "Generation Pandemic" issue.

The 23-year-old is quarantining with her family in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania.

She did the entire photoshoot remotely.

Beier FaceTimed friends, interviewed them, and talked them through how to position themselves and the camera.

"Once we start, they will put me on FaceTime and keep me on view - either of them modeling or behind the camera. And, they'll take photos," she explained. "We will review them, we will reframe, we will repose until we end up with the photograph that I envisioned."

She said her photographs are meant to tell a story.

"The story that I am trying to tell is a story that we are all going through. It wouldn't be able to be captured in just one image. It's captured in images of all of my friends. It's happiness, it's sadness, it's loss, it's joy, it's all of these things that we're feeling," Beier said. "This project idea just came from the realization that if I didn't document this time in their lives, nobody was going to."

"I think that for the graduating class of 2020 it's going to be really are just graduated and you need a job, or you're about to graduate and you need a job, and we're going into an economic market that is not suitable for that," Beier added.

Beier was asked what she'll do now that she's reached her ultimate professional goal by age 23.

"Honestly, I've just been giving like 100% of myself to this project. And it's been so incredible and it's exactly what I want to be doing," she said."This was my dream. This was my dream in the end, so to be here now, it's so incredible. There are no words to describe this or where I will go because of this."

The project started as her senior thesis, but the quarantine photos were all taken over the last month.

TIME put out the call to college photography programs across the country and, of all the entries, Beier's photos were selected.


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