On Monday, you can go outside to watch the solar eclipse on your own, or you can get together with other sky-watchers at a local viewing party.
Here are some viewing parties around the Delaware Valley.
Franklin Institute: Franklin Hall, Jordan Lobby, Fels Planetarium, Winter St. Park; 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Darby Free Library: Darby Rec Center; Noon - 4:00pm
Folcroft Library: Delmar Drive, Folcroft; 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Robert J. Novins Planetarium: Ocean County College; 1:00pm - 4:00pm
AJ Meerwald Boat: Cape May, NJ; 1:00pm
Palmer Square: Princeton, NJ; 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Mather Planetarium: West Chester University; 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Seaport Museum: Penn's Landing; 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation: Smyrna, DE;
Delaware Museum of Natural History: @ Wilmington, DE; 2:43pm
Other local libraries holding eclipse-watching parties with free viewing glasses include:
New Jersey
Haddonfield Public Library, 60 Haddon Ave., Haddonfield, 856-429-1304, haddonfieldlibrary.org
Free Library of Springfield, 1200 E. Willow Grove Ave., Wyndmoor, 215-836-5300, freelibraryofspringfieldtownship.org
Glenolden Library, 211 S. Llanwellyn Ave., 610-583-1010, delcolibraries.org/glenolden-library
Woodbury Public Library, 33 Delaware St., Woodbury, 856-845-2611, woodburylibrary.org
Infanti Bellmawr Library, 35 E. Browning Rd., Bellmawr, 856-931-1400, camdencountylibrary.org/bellmawr-branch
Kirkwood Library: Wilmington, DE; Solar Eclipse Viewing - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Garfield Park Library/Astronomy Club: New Castle, DE; Solar Eclipse Day Party - 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Brandywine Hundred Library: Wilmington, DE; Eclipse Viewing Party 2:00pm - 3:00pm