Kids write sweet 'get well' card for injured cop who is 'like a dad for us'

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Friday, October 16, 2015
When officer Anthony Nolan (right) was injured on the job, two community siblings, 8 and 9, wrote him a sweet note (left).
Courtesy Officer Anthony Nolan

When one police officer in New London, Conn., had to miss work after injuring his knee during a traffic assignment, two community siblings made sure he knew he was missed by leaving him a note that thanked him and wished him a speedy recovery.

"I will tell police station boss to not make you work in danger cause that [sic] best for you," the note reads in part. "I really miss you."

The officer, Anthony Nolan, told ABC News that the note meant a lot to him.

"It made me feel good," Noland said. "I didn't even feel like I was injured anymore after I read it. It was one of those healing moments."

Nolan said he interacts regularly with the kids, an 8-year-old girl and 9-year-old boy, since meeting them two years ago while on patrol, and they often read together.

"I hear from them daily," he told ABC News. "They call when they're sad, when they're going through something or when somebody isn't there for them. I give them a little needed attention."

Nolan, who has two adult children himself, is like a father figure to the young siblings.

"Thanks [sic] being like a dad for us," the kids wrote.

The kids also drew a picture of Nolan driving a car with the "bad guys" in the back and left him "coffay" money. Nolan was so touched by the note that he shared it on Facebook, writing that he was fighting back tears.

Nolan told ABC News he can't help but get emotional when he reflects on the sweet gesture.

"As as a police officer you try and have that ego sometimes, but it didn't work this time," he said. "It was very touching."