6-year-old inspires class to help Haiti

WEST PHILADELPHIA - January 27, 2010

6-year-old Lance Kim is a kindergartener at the Caring Center in West Philadelphia.

When Action News visited his class, they were all writing letters to the young survivors of the earthquake.

"Dear friends in Haiti, I love you and I hope you feel better," Lance wrote.

Lance and the other children have been studying what causes earthquakes.

"I hope you don't have any more earthquakes," 5-year-old Bryce Goodman wrote.

Lance became so concerned about the Haitian children, he decided he'd send them the $125 he received for his birthday and Christmas.

His mom, Debbie, was impressed.

"I actually told him to think about it, but then he said he wanted to. He inspired us; we said we would match it," Debbie said.

Lance's generosity prompted his extended family to also match his donation, which now totals $1,175.

His thoughtfulness has been an inspiration to his classmates.

"I thought of myself to give some clean water to them in the mailbox, to fill up a bag because mostly they need clean water to drink," 5-year-old Khari Walker said.

5-year-old Nicholas Werner plans to donate money he's been saving since he was 3.

"When they become 5 and 6 years old, they realize there's others beyond themselves," Mary Doughty of the Caring Center said.

By learning that their community can be global, all of them learn what Lance already knows.

"Love is more important than cash," Lance said.

The money the children collect will be donated through UNICEF.

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