Once 234 lb., she's headed to Miss America pageant


5 years ago, Boyce tipped the scales at 234 pounds!

She's battled her weight since childhood, even losing 65 pounds at one point, only to gain it back.

Her moment of truth came in a doctor's office, when she was having knee problems.

Boyce recalls, " He looked at me and grabbed my legs, he grabbed my thighs and he said, 'You know, the reason you're in pain is because you're overweight. You have so much weight baring down on your legs that you're having these pains."

She got a nutritionist, and learned how to eat right and how to exercise.

She learned to use food as fuel, not as a crutch when she was hurting emotionally.

Now, 110 pounds lighter, Boyce not only won the Miss South Carolina title, she won the swimsuit competition, too.

And she's launched a campaign, with a Facebook page, to help others conquer obesity. She's been in contact with First Lady Michelle Obama, and hopes to work with

Boyce says she didn't find her pageant platform - IT found her.

And she keeps her size 18 jeans to remember how far she's come, and to prevent her from slipping back.

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