Mobile studio helps women with hair loss

QUEEN VILLAGE; February 20, 2012

The new rolling studio from Le Metric Hair Center in New York City paid a visit to "Salon on 4th" in Queen Village today.

The specially-built van has only been on the road for a month, but has already paid calls in Buffalo, and Columbus, Ohio. And she expects to be heading to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Boston, and other East Coast cities soon.

Creator Elline Surianello says she offers consultations, fittings for the hair, makeup advice, and more.

She can take it to hospitals, retirement villages, a client's home, or wherever it's needed.

"If someone has an autoimmune issue, or they have cancer, they can't get out easily. how much easier would it be for me to roll up to their driveway, open it up, and it's an afternoon for them," says Elline.

Adina Babcock, who has been a Le Metric client for 6 years, says the sessions are important, "I like to look a certain way. I like to have a positive look. So having the hair does mean a lot to me, yes."

Adina Babcock says the mobile salon will be handy for her .. Since she lives in South Jersey.

Surianello teams up with local salons to offer her services. Before she had the van, she used to set up shop within the salon. But after some of her partners went out of business, she decided to get her own van. Custom-equipping it took 2 years. Now, she's having a ball hitting the road.

It will be back in Queens Village this Saturday, then once a month after that.

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