Favorite Viral Videos 2007

December 26, 2007 Stumped

Miss South Carolina Teen USA 2007, Lauren Caitlin Upton was stumped on a question during the Miss Teen USA pageant. She was asked why a fifth of Americans can' t find the United States on the map.

Her response made her an Internet sensation, and to date the YouTube video has received over 20-million page views!

Click here to watch the video.

Will It Blend

Engineer Tom Dickson went to extreme measures to demonstrate the blending power of the Blendtec blender. Right after people waited hours in line for the release of the iPhone, Dickson put his iPhone into the blender. The iPhone did not stand a chance. In seconds it was reduced to black dust.

Click here to watch the video.

Prison Thriller

More than 1,500 inmates of a prison in Cebu, Philippines redefined what it means to do hard time. The inmates performed an amazingly choreographed rendition of Michael Jackson's 1982 mega hit Thriller. The practice video was posted on YouTube and became a gigantic hit itself, receiving nearly 10-million page views.

Click here to watch the video.

Final Lecture

Randy Pausch, a 46-year-old computer-science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, has terminal cancer and expects to live for just a few more months. The way he decided to say goodbye touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands on the Internet.

Pausch said goodbye to his students and colleagues with one last lecture entitled "How to Live Your Childhood Dreams." We featured this moving and inspirational video back in October when it first hit the web.

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself," he said.

His final words of wisdom inspired dozens in that classroom and millions on the internet, but that was never Paush's intention.

"This talk is not for you. It's for my kids," he said as he ended the lecture."

Click here to watch the video.

Dramatic Chipmunk

Perhaps the best 5-second clip on the Internet this year comes from an animal. The Dramatic Chipmunk took the web by storm. The clip comes from a Japanese TV show where the rodent was put on display for some reason. The short shot appears to have been the result of an extremely lucky camera angle. By the way, it's not a chipmunk, It's a prairie dog.

Click here to watch the video.

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