"Most people are happy to see us. Some are a little irritated, but once we do our job and get them up and running they're usually happy," Eory said.
We followed Steve to a call in Mt. Laurel where the upstairs air conditioning in the Vaughn house decided to quit.
"It has been very hot especially now with the heat wave, going upstairs it's unbearable," Janet Vaughn said.
Steve pulled apart the air conditioning unit to diagnose the problem and saw almost immediately what was wrong.
"The evaporator start to free, lack of airflow, you have ice that forms. As that melts, the airflow will return and the air conditioner should be fine," Eory said.
Refrigerant leaks. Electrical components. Airflow issues. There are any number of things that can go wrong with your air conditioning system. It's bad news at anytime during the summer, but particularly during a heat wave.
"Systems run pretty much 24/7 when it gets as hot as it is right now. They run hard and you'll find breakdowns on the hottest days of the year," Eory said.
Luckily, the Vaughn's problem wasn't difficult to fix which was good news for the Mt. Laurel family.
"It's amazing. I'm really happy; I'll be able to sleep really well tonight," Janet Vaughn said.
But like most air conditioning repairmen this week, Steve's day wasn't over. He has many more calls to make as the cooling units so many depend on break down - always at the worst time, of course!