Bed Bug infestation at Olmos Elementary School and a nearby apartment complex in Southeast Fresno

FRESNO, Calif.

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Olmos Elementary School sent letters home to parents advising the school has had an issue with bed bugs in several classrooms.

The school says an apartment complex has been identified as the source of the problem and the school is working with the manager there to resolve the issue.

Over the weekend, the school will be treated by Valley Pest Control as well as the apartment complex where the students live.

The school first learned of the problem a few weeks ago and was recently able to pinpoint the source.


Here's the letter from the school:

Olmos Elementary School

October 11, 2013

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Recently our school has had an issue with bed bugs in several classrooms. I want to assure you that our Environmental Services team, Health Services and our Assistant Superintendent Holland Locker have been aggressively working to resolve the problem. An apartment complex has been identified as the source of the problem and we are working collaboratively with the manager to resolve the issue. Over the weekend the school will be treated with Suspend SC - Deltamethrin, Bedlam - Sumithrin and Transport - Bifenthren. The apartment manager has agreed to treat the affected area as well.

The health and safety of all of our students and staff is our highest priority and we will continue to work aggressively to resolve the issue.

I appreciate your support and if you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 253-6620.


Sherry Tharpe
Mario G. Olmos Elementary School

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