With an unemployment rate nearly twice the national average, Chester is one of the hungriest places in America.
"Some people have been crying and depressed and really, really struggling to find employment," Chester resident LaKesha Logan said.
With the September opening of Fare & Square, Philabundance is helping to ease that burden.
The only non-profit grocery store in the nation, it offers prices that are 5 to 10 percent below a typical supermarket.
Before Fare & Square, the city of Chester had gone almost a dozen years without a grocery store, leaving a city of 33,000 people in what's called a food desert with little to no access to fresh, affordable food
Fare & Square also provides Chester's residents with much needed work.
"I've been out of a job for a while so it's a blessing," Fare & Square employee Quannetta Pryor said.
And in a city where life too often seems bleak, the Fare & Square offers residents a sense of pride and hope that things will get better.
"We're a great community just like anywhere else. There's a lot of unity here, a lot of talent here, a lot of people that really want the best for their families," Logan said.
If you want to help Philabundance help the people of Chester, click for the 6abc Dunkin Donuts Holiday Food Drive and to see the many ways that you can Connect, Share, Give.