Delaware County EMS chief celebrated with parade after 44 years of service

Larry Worrilow's next chapter includes lots of golf, and he is looking forward to retiring in Florida.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021
EMS chief celebrated with parade after 44 years of service
"He's a proud guy and he doesn't like all the attention but we're giving it to him anyway," said EMS Chief Bruce Egan.

UPLAND, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Longtime Delaware County paramedic Larry Worrilow retired from Crozer Health Wednesday after a 44-year career.

He was honored with a final radio call and clap out ceremony. He shared his last shift with his close buddies, and there were lots of hugs, pictures and reminiscing.

"He's a proud guy and he doesn't like all the attention but we're giving it to him anyway," said EMS Chief Bruce Egan who worked with Worrilow for many years.

Worrilow was greeted with quite the fan club before being escorted in a parade. He was driven back to his home in Brookhaven with sirens blasting and lights shining.

His brother Tom Worrilow, who is a retired Chester police officer, said serving the community runs in their blood.

"Our family, both on the Worrilow and Owens side, have been involved in public service -- fire, police and emergency service -- in the city of Chester and surrounding area for about 150 years," said Tom.

Worrilow rose up through the ranks and held many leadership roles, including deputy chief. His footprint speaks to the many EMTs he's mentored.

"It's got to be hundreds of guys he's saved, impacted. I mean everybody who has walked through the door has had a positive experience at one time or another," said Assistant EMS Chief Rich Micum.

Worrilow's next chapter includes lots of golf, and he is looking forward to retiring in Florida.

His whole team said he will be sorely missed.

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