Brian Taff

Since arriving at 6abc, Brian's reporting assignments have taken him to every corner of the Tri-State area, and around the world. When the massive BP oil spill threatened the coast of the southern United States, Brian travelled to Florida and Alabama to show viewers the stunning images. When the Catholic Church began the process of electing a new Pope, Brian spent weeks in Rome, Italy to bring Action News inside the age-old traditions of the Vatican. When President Obama saw his first term bogged down by souring polls, Brian was invited to the White House for an exclusive conversation with the President in the historic Cabinet Room. He also brought his passion for politics on the road, as he covered every Presidential and Vice Presidential Debate of the 2012 election cycle. Among numerous others, his assignments have also taken him flying - at speeds higher than 700mph and forces greater than 9Gs - with the US Air Force Thunderbirds, and to the race-track to test drive cars with the experts at Consumer Reports.
Prior to arriving at Action News, Brian served as anchor and editor of Capital Tonight, a nightly news and interview show seen all across upstate New York. In that role, Brian covered news of statewide significance, and conducted live, long-form interviews with every major politician and newsmaker in New York State, winning the Associated Press Award for "Best Interview" two consecutive years. Under Brian's watch, the show he created as a once-weekly, half-hour program seen in Albany, expanded to a nightly, hour-long program syndicated live in 9 of New York's 10 television markets - often not simply covering headlines, but generating them. As anchor of Capital Tonight, Brian broadcast live from all across the country, including from the National Political Conventions in 2004, and 2008.
Prior to hosting Capital Tonight, Brian served as weekend anchor and reporter at Capital News 9 in Albany, New York. He began his career in broadcast journalism at WVII-TV in Bangor, Maine. A graduate of Boston College, he is proud to be a part of the Action News family covering the day to day events of the Delaware Valley, where much of his family has long called home.
When not at work, Brian enjoys spending time on the water. When Mother Nature makes boating along the Jersey Shore impossible, he can be found skiing or hiking, or simply enjoying life outdoors with his family!