Overheard with Ajay Raju and Jeff Brown - Part 2

Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Overheard with Ajay Raju and Jeff Brown - Part 2
Part 2 of Ajay's conversation with democratic mayoral candidate Jeff Brown.

Have you been interested in hearing what the candidates for mayor have to say about Philadelphia, when they have plenty of time to share their thoughts?

Ajay Raju continues his series Overheard with several of the candidates for long, in depth conversations. You can listen in to the whole chat, or jump to these highlights:

0 - 4:00 How will Jeff deal with Philadelphia's trash problem and how will we pay for these solutions?

4:00 - 9:00 How will we fix our crumbling schools? Vocational training?

9:00 - 15:00 Jeff addresses criticisms that he has profited from addressing food insecurity in underserved neighborhoods.

15:00 - 20:30 How do we unite Philadelphians behind a common vision? What creative solutions will Jeff introduce as an entrepreneurial mayor?

20:30 - 23:20 Jeff's personal life and family; Potential conflicts of interest and how Jeff will separate his business life from public service.

20:30 - 23:20 Jeff's promises for first 100 days and first term as Mayor.

28:00 - 31:40 How does Jeff get his news?

Watch Part 1

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Helen Gym Part 1 Part 2

Rebecca Rhynhart Part 1 Part 2