Alyana Gomez

Born in Philadelphia and raised in Collingswood, New Jersey, Alyana had a microphone in her hand from the time she was little girl. At an early age, she knew she wanted her voice to be heard and had her sights set on a career in front of the camera. Alyana was also determined to live her life helping others.
Her lofty goals as a kid became clearer and more focused in college, where she channeled her passion for writing. Alyana attended Salisbury University in Maryland, where she studied Journalism and landed her first job in local news. There, she won her first Associated Press award for enterprise reporting, spot news and in-depth coverage.
Her next stop was Jacksonville, Florida where she worked as a reporter, covering everything from natural disasters to government accountability. Alyana was honored and humbled to win her first Emmy award for coverage of a murder trial.
Alyana then moved to Hartford, Connecticut where she anchored weekend mornings and helped launch the consumer investigative unit. She also became a mother for the first time, with the birth of her son.
Then the West Coast came calling, with an opportunity to anchor and report in the Bay Area. Alyana covered the destructive Wine Country fires, California's deadliest wildfire in Paradise, homelessness and the impact of lead poisoning on children in Oakland. What she loved most about her time there was her connection to such a culturally vibrant community and the fulfilling work she did with the Golden State Warriors Community Foundation.
While in California, Alyana's family grew with the birth of her baby girl. She hopes that her life as a hard-working mom with a demanding career will one day encourage her children to make a difference in their community too.
Speaking of... out and about in the community is where you'll find her most days! Don't be afraid to say hi in the grocery store or down the shore.