Katie Katro

Through naturalization, Katie became an American citizen at 14 years old.
Katie speaks fluent Albanian and is very involved in the Albanian community in Northeast Philadelphia. Her diverse background led her to want to pursue a career in journalism to tell people's stories who need representation.
Katie grew up watching Action News to learn about American culture and traditions in her new hometown of Philadelphia.
Katie is a proud graduate of Abington High School (go Ghosts!) It was through Abington's strong communications program that she was able to dive into journalism, producing news pieces that she shot and edited for Abington's cable channel. During her senior year, she was editor-in-chief of her high school's paper, The Abingtonian, and was awarded the Congressional Award Gold Medal for doing more than 400 hours of community service.
Katie majored in journalism at Temple University, where she graduated with 15 competitive internships across New York City, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.
Immediately after graduation, Katie began working at 5NEWS in Fayetteville, Arkansas as a field reporter and fill-in anchor. Katie then worked as a reporter and fill-in anchor at WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut where she also served on the Communications Advisory Board for Manchester Community College, mentoring college students.
Katie loves giving back by helping student journalists get their foot in the door. In her free time, you can find Katie cooking Albanian dishes or watching the English Premiere (football not soccer). She is very interested in learning about other cultures, which is why she has visited more than 15 countries!
Katie is very active on social media and loves connecting with viewers there, where she develops and enterprises many stories.